
I am using javascript from last 4 years :-

Javascript Basics :
  • Basics: Start from varibles, data type, functions, operators, & string
  • Loops: for loop, while loop, forEach, Map, filter & reduce, these looping techniques and when to apply.
  • Conditional Logics: if else, Switch case, ternary opertor these techniques usefull in react
  • Javascript running behaviour in browser: How javascript start compiling code and create execution context & setTimeout setInterval works
Data Structure :
  • String methods: Length, Slice, substring, charAT, charCodeAT, trim, split, replace, replaceALl
  • Arrays: Manupulating arrays using loops, map filter, join, push, pop, shift, unsift, splice
  • Objects: Creating objects, keys/values/entries, object destructing, call, bind , apply, JSON
  • Combination of both Arrays & Object JSON techniques: I just love to play with mixing of array and objects combine to make usefull json to apply complex logics.