How i focused towards web developent :-

  • I started learning HTML from w3schools boring stuff with patience and readout all the basics of HTML.
  • You can relate with exampe of a book to understand easily, when reading a book has a heading and some content in form of paragraphs and images.
  • Every book without colors and styling is boring to read.
  • simmilarly CSS is the most importance for every web application to achive how ui will look like.
  • I started learning from w3school and switched to youtube tutorials and practising basic css styles.
  • Initially i work on heading, paragraphs, images and then smaller layouts.
  • Flexbox, Grid layouts are often used in the most projects and it gives me so confidence to writing css.
  • I am using sass for layouts, reusable css variables, responsiveness, css utilities, animations & hover effects etc..
  • sass provides me freedom to generate css with nextjs for a large scale production grade web-application
Tailwind css :
  • I love using tailwind css and class based utility css with react and sass
Bootstrap :
  • Initialy i start creating clones of bootstrap ui clones but now i have better understanding how to work with Bootsrap
ShadCN :
  • ShadCN: Shadcn & tailwind is just absolutely a god level development for the frontend
  • Customization: I prefer shadcn over mui because it gives indepedent comp
Material UI :
  • I have used material ui in few projects where client need to build faster ui with classic loos & user experience
  • MUI provides a better features, clean ui and faster development process with react projects without writing a lot of css
  • I created frnz-ui: I need a usefull ui but for react, I made my own react ui library so that simple ui will be easy to use