NextJS Interview Questions
Top 40 most asked NextJS interview questions :-
What are the features of ReactJS?
What are the limitations of React?
What are the advantages of using ReactJS?
What are the keys in React?
What is a component in ReactJS?
What is the difference between a class component and a functional component in ReactJS?
When to use a Class Component over a Function Component?
higher-order components (HOC)?
What is the difference between state and props in ReactJS?
What are hooks in ReactJS?
What are advantaes of react hooks?
What is the component lifecycle in ReactJS?
Explain the useEffect hook?
What are keys in ReactJS?
What is context in ReactJS?
What is the difference between createElement and cloneElement in ReactJS?
What is the difference between refs and state in ReactJS?
What is the difference between shouldComponentUpdate and componentShouldUpdate in ReactJS?
What is the difference between the constructor and componentDidMount methods in a class component in ReactJS?
What is the difference between the componentDidMount and componentDidUpdate methods in a class component in ReactJS?
What is the difference between the componentWillUnmount and componentDidUnmount methods in a class component in ReactJS?
What is the difference between the shouldComponentUpdate and componentShouldUpdate methods in a class component in ReactJS?
What is Redux in ReactJS?
What is an action in Redux?
What is a reducer in Redux?
How to use styles in React?
How events are different in React?
What is the impact of indexes as keys?
What is CRA and its benefits?
What is the lifecycle methods order in mounting?
How to use React label element?
What is the difference between setState() and replaceState() methods?
What is React lazy function?
What is NextJS and major features of it?
What are the benefits of using typescript with reactjs?
What are the differences between useEffect and useLayoutEffect hooks?
What is the benefit of strict mode?
Why does strict mode render twice in React?
Explain the concept of context in React?
React handle prop drilling, and how can it be avoided?
forwardRef function in React?